miercuri, 21 octombrie 2009

marți, 5 mai 2009


Tg.Frumos is a city of Iasi County, Moldavia, Romania. Has a population of 13,573 inhabitants. It is located in a region of living movement (Victor Tufescu). Neighboring to the north and south regions with much higher portion of the middle height of 300 m, located between corridor Siret Plain and Moldavia, was predestined by shape and its low altitude to play the role of an active movement of gates, called "Wear Fair beautiful and also quite convenient and Ruginoasei collar.

marți, 28 aprilie 2009

Comenius vise à: * Développer la connaissance et la compréhension de la diversité culturelle et linguistique entre les pays européens les enseignants et les étudiants.

* Aider les étudiants à acquérir des compétences et de développer les compétences personnelles nécessaires à la intégration professionnelle et de citoyenneté active.
Comenius est le premier volet du programme éducation permanente!!!

miercuri, 22 aprilie 2009

miercuri, 25 martie 2009

Book wedding.
Wedding book impressed me because it is a topic that you blown, and you can not stop reading until I finish.
THIS BOOK MAKES YOU EVERY PAGE tasting order to enjoy the FINAL. I believe that the novel "wedding book" is a Greek novel like "Daphinis Chloe 'next. The novel is going in 1930 and begin by returning to Paris a young Jim. Presents Romanian society in the first half of the twentieth century century. Roman character is balzaciană through the submission of typologies. Thus the novel is of the galaxy and "tantii" a world that is sterile, stereotypical. Aunt living "house moths where dampness. When a person wants to leave this world of stone, the news is feeling. Professor Silvestru Capitanescu recunoscându his failure to commit suicide. The novel presents the antithesis both worlds: the world auntie represented by young people and young Jim, Jim, Vera, Dora, Boby. Lola symbolizes the exuberance of life. The marriage of Jim and Vera symbolizes the triumph of life.

de George Calinescu

Consider ca romanul ”Cartea Nuntii” este un roman grec asemănător cu ”Daphinis şi Chloe” de Langos. Acţiunea romanului se petrece in 1930 si începe prin întoarcerea de la Paris a tânărului Jim. Prezintă societatea româna din prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea. Este roman de factura balzaciană, prin prezentarea unor tipologii. Astfel romanul reprezintă galaxie de persoana si de „tantii” care reprezintă o lume sterilă, stereotipă. Mătuşile trăiesc „casa cu molii” unde predomina igrasia si mucigaiul. Când un personaj vrea sa se desprindă de aceasta lume încremenită, vestea face senzaţie.
Profesorul Silvestru Căpitanescu recunoscându-si eşecul se sinucide. Romanul prezintă în antiteza cele două lumi: lumea reprezentata de mătuşile tânărului Jim şi lumea tinerilor Jim, Vera, Dora, Boby. Lola care simbolizează exuberanta vieţii. Căsătoria dintre Jim şi Vera simbolizează triumful vieţii.

de George Calinescu

Je crois que le roman "livre de mariage" est un roman grec comme "Daphinis Chloe" à côté. Le roman se passe en 1930 et commence par un retour à Paris, une jeune Jim. Roumain de communications dans la première moitié du XXe siècle. Roman caractère est balzaciană par type de présentation. Ainsi le roman est de la galaxie et que tanti que un monde qui est stérile, stéréotypées. Tante vivant le maison des papillons de nuit, où la humidité emporte.Professeur Silvestru Capitanescu recunoscându son incapacité à commettre le suicide. Le roman présente le antithèse deux mondes: le monde représenté par Jim tantine adolescents et les jeunes Jim, Vera, Dora, Boby. Lola symbolise la exubérance de la vie. Le mariage de Jim et Vera symbolise le triomphe de la vie.

marți, 24 februarie 2009

I see you

Vivek Agrawal

Niranjan Iyengar
Suresh Naïr
Vivek Agrawal

Love / Drama / Comedy

122 minutes

Release Date (USA): 29 December 2006


Shivani Dutta is a doctor at a hospital in London and wants to cancel the organ trafficking taking place there. Before you can do this, she suffers a serious accident in a coma and get the same spital.Fiind considered as lost, his mother suggests doctors to disconnect the devices that keep alive. But her spirit, trying desperately to find someone who could save and to oppose this decision and we find that the receiver Raj Jaiswal, a scorer of tv shows, beauty, success and type "Casanova", superficial and confident.

This is the only one who can see and hear Shivani form of spirit, so his entourage and friend or the best that I have mental problems and it lead to a specialist.Dar up to find it there and not really is just an invention of his diseased mind, Raj begins to fall in love again this setiment for him is to fear that "dream" might destruction

marți, 17 februarie 2009

I See You

Vivek Agrawal

Niranjan Iyengar
Suresh Nair
Vivek Agrawal

Amour / Drame / Comédie

122 minutes


Shivani Dutta est médecin dans un hôpital de Londres et veut annuler le trafic d'organes en tenant lieu. Avant que vous pouvez le faire, elle souffre d'un grave accident dans un coma et d'obtenir le même spital.Fiind considéré comme perdu, sa mère suggère aux médecins de débrancher les appareils qui maintiennent en vie. Mais son esprit, en essayant désespérément de trouver quelqu'un qui pourrait sauver et de s'opposer à cette décision et nous trouvons que le récepteur Jaiswal Raj, un marqueur d'émissions TV, de la beauté, de succès et de type "Casanova", superficiel et confiants.

Il s'agit de la seule personne qui peut voir et entendre Shivani forme d'esprit, son entourage et l'ami ou la meilleure que j'ai des problèmes mentaux, et il conduirait à une specialist.Dar à trouver et il n'y pas vraiment est juste une invention de son esprit malade, Raj commence à tomber amoureux à nouveau cette setiment pour lui est à craindre que "rêve" peut détruire ...
I See You

Vivek Agrawal

Niranjan Iyengar
Suresh Nair
Vivek Agrawal

Dragoste / Drama / Comedie

122 minute

Data lansare (SUA): 29 Decembrie 2006

Scurta descriere:

Shivani Dutt este medic la un spital in Londra si vrea sa denunte traficul de organe care are loc acolo. Inainte de a putea face acest lucru, ea sufera un accident grav si ajunge in coma la acelasi spital.Fiind considerata ca si pierduta, medicii sugereaza mamei sale sa o deconecteze de la aparatele care o tin in viata. Spiritul ei insa , incearca cu disperare sa gaseasca pe cineva care ar putea sa o salveze si sa se opuna la aceasta decizie si il gaseste ca receptor pe Raj Jaiswal, un realizator de emisiuni tv, frumos, de succes si tipul "Casanova", superficial si increzut.

Acesta este singurul care o poate vedea si auzi pe Shivani sub forma de spirit, de aceea anturajul lui si prietenul sau cel mai bun cred ca are probleme psihice si il indruma catre un specialist.Dar, pana sa afle ca ea exista cu adevarat si nu e doar o plasmuire a mintii sale bolnave, Raj incepe sa se indragosteasca si acest setiment nou pentru el il face sa se teama ca "visul " s-ar putea destrama...

marți, 20 ianuarie 2009

Intégration dans mon école

1.Pourquoi as tu choisi de venir dans cette école?
2.Tu es venu seul(e) ou tu as des frères?
3.Tes parents ont été d'accord quand tu as décide de venir dans cette l'école?
4.Les professeurs ont fait des discriminations entre toi et les autres élèves?
5.Est-ce-qu'il y a des problèmes en ce qui concerne les camarades?
6.La langue roumaine est-elle une problème pour toi?
7.Quels sont tes projèts pour le futur?
8.Quand tu es venu dans cette école tu as cru que tu n'avais pas d'amis?
9.Comment tu te sens quand tu sais que ta famille est très loin et tu es ici parmi les étrangeres?
10.Il y a des différences entre l'école roumaine et l'école de Moldovie?
11.Tu penses que tu es bien intégré dans l'Ecole Normale?
Church "Royal St. Nicholas, built between 1491-1492 by Stephen the Great and recast in late-nineteenth century (between 1890 - 1904) by French architect Andre Lecompte of Nouy, is the oldest religious edifice in which Iaşi preserved until today.

Being located near the old Court domneşti and that there were almost all unşi Mr. Moldova from Despot Voda to Alexandru Ioan Cuza, said the church was St. Nicholas-Royal.

Exterior architecture includes the most harmonious stone, brick and tile apparent, ordered discs smălţuite polychrome. In the upper register of firidele appear fresco painted in a number of the 282 faces. Inside the church, in full, final restoration. Si bolti walls are covered by a fresco somptuoasă on a blue background, made with great mastery of the French Boris Bernard, Emilie Mempiot and P. Mauretal.

Located near the Palace of Culture, the church is one of the oldest buildings in the capital of Moldova. The building is built voievodului Stefan cel Mare, and was built in the period 1491-1492, and restored several times, the last time in late-nineteenth century, according to the plans of arhitecului French Nouy Lecomte. By the end of the century XVII century church held the office of the Metropolitan Cathedral, there are almost all throne rulers Moldova.